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The Spirit and the bride Base

초록색 | 2014.11.05 18:18 | 조회 18508
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1. Who is the bride?

2. New Jerusalem is the bride and the book is true

Ahn Sahng-hong Spirit will not repeal

We interpret this in his book.


The words in the book The New Jerusalem Chapter 16. (The details of where the line drawn in red.)


Chapter 16 Self alone is called the bride

So let's look for the bride in question
It is written (Revelation 22:17) The Holy Spirit and the bride saith
Here the bride (Rev. 21: 9-10) sinbuin just like the bride of is the fact that "the bride will show the wife of the Lamb soon" are the wife of the Lamb hath Saints

(Revelation 19: 7-8) In the "marriage of the Lamb has reached pledged that his wife did wear a clean linen preliminary hath hath granted unto him hath shined corporal works of the saints, the semaphore is right."

There were co-translated "feed finished grooming his bride was to wear a clean linen shining with God's permission. The clothing is fine linen is the correct behavior of the saints."

Thence that the bride (Rev. 21: 9-10) in the sky as the prophecy of the New Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem will say castle will soon say the 144,000 saints.
144 000 Saints John the bride bride is soon Jerusalem.
In other words, if the new Jerusalem is called the tabernacle of God (Revelation 21:03) This tent is bestowed in 1900 before the Lord (Hebrews 8:01 ~ 2). The world ends when the curtain is coming down to earth 1000 the past year is one that




3 . "the mystery of  God and  the spring of the water of life" from the book


Problem of Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter 2 is prophetically.
While God created the heavens and the earth and get 06 things've seventh day Sabbath.
It is a prophecy of 6000 years of God's work of redemption. At the end it is the sixth day of the creation of Adam and Eve, who constitute the 144,000 saints hasimeuro through the last Adam, prophesied that this would be be finished

Adam and Eve are to show the love of Jesus with us.


"God's secret and the fountain of the water of life" book look at Chapter 24 in progress and finished goods and thus the descriptions.
Why would you need to know syeotneunji pulled Adam's rib to create Eve.
(Genesis 2: 21-24) And Adam said, This is because of my flesh ppyeoyo saljung ppyeojung and what hath two hanmom Ido eotdago love how big?
Eve is also determined by the ten thousand and one week syeotdamyeon couple made ​​Adam from the dust as much angaseo that love would not have been cool.
Would love for Adam and Eve are given to show the love of Jesus with us.


Shedding of blood and the pain of detaching Adam Adam's rib is a love for the sun.
If you had to create Eve from Adam's rib without removing the soil, "for it is flesh of my flesh ppyeoyo ppyeojung" no two can not even be called a body.

Jesus' flesh and blood we hasimeuro reinvent "It's called the flesh of my ppyeojung ppyeoyo saljung" in sin and death through the ages in 6000 years, as Spirit, as the Lord continues to love forever and gritty made ​​Eve as Adam's ribs in love with love hasimeuro nine won hasiryeogo your flesh and blood produced a finished forever, as your body will not know jichiljul've set a plan of redemption.


[Genesis 1: 24-31 verse - the sixth day, He made Adam and Eve, cattle, and end on the last time he created all the animals. If interpreted as a prophecy about Adam and Eve, Adam was called the representation of parties coming (Jesus) (Romans 5:14 verse)
And the first Adam got on the ground, the last Adam, you wanted me in heaven (1 Corinthians 15: 44-49 verse reference) was was called Revelation chapter 22, verse 17, the bride and of the Holy Spirit for the last Adam and Eve.


4 . In the "guests who come form the World of angels" book


Looking at the terminal of the "Chapter 13 first Adam and the last Adam."
Thence Jesus is the last Adam is restrained soul who can be said to last year. Are marked.

Ahn Sahng-hong's book is not the phrase "mother". It is true Ahn Sahng-hong's died, made ​​in the name sikindaneun stabilize the church in June 1985.
August 1983 "um, sooin" Please point out the fault of the preacher, but he said he was a teacher Ahn Sahng-hong bride so if you've said no saving of issuing a book

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